I happen to greatly admire President Barack Obama. A while back - some time in 2009, I don't remember the exact date, having not recorded it - the New York Times quoted President Obama as he spoke about the kind of judge he would appoint to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. The President's description of empathy is one of the best I've come across to convey what it truly means to be able to empathize with another person. As reportedly spoken by the President: "That kind of judge will have empathy. I view the quality of empathy, of understanding and identifying with people's hopes and struggles as an essential ingredient for arriving at just decisions and outcomes."
Empathy requires a whole lot more than just recognizing another's emotions, feelings, or point of view. What is required is for you to "put yourself in their shoes", or "to walk a mile in their shoes" in order to fully and deeply comprehend where that person "is coming from": what they are feeling, experiencing, and thinking. Being able to identify with, not only comprehend, another's plight, within your own self, is what it means to empathize with your fellow man (or woman). The ability to empathize is an integral part of the human condition - of what it means to be human in the first place. It is the 'seat' of our humanity.
Individuals, either through accident of birth or environmental influence lack the ability to empathize are very scary individuals indeed. They often come across as if there is some kind of empty spot in their brain where, for the rest of us, our humanity resides. Synapses are not connecting; something is not wired. A gap exists.
Scientific research has been investigating the role that our brain's mirror neurons play in our day to day life. Mirror neurons are what make empathy possible in the first place. "Mirror neurons are activated both when one does something and when one observes somebody else doing the same thing. Thus, they represent the neurological mechanism that allows us to put ourselves in the shoes of others." (1)
The diversity in our world today is so vast that the very mechanisms which created it lack the ability to cope with it. "The reason why people feel threatened by other people's habits and ways of life and have a 'gut reaction' against such diversity is due to the fact that their mirror neurons are less able to understand the 'stranger'. His or her intentions and emotions are to a certain extent clouded by one's cultural identity and made inacessible to others." (2) Most mentally healthy individuals, however, can consciously work hard to override this gap in understanding and expand their minds (utilize the concept of 'neuroplasticity') in order to include indentification with persons with whom we seemingly have little in common. Intellect can be used to stretch us beyond our own experience and to cultivate rational and emotional thought which fosters harmony rather than antipathy.
Prejudice blinds us to the fact that the 'other' is actually a human - a person - and in Canada, one who is protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. People who physically or emotionally harm others because they are of a different race, colour, sexual orientation, or are simply fat and out of shape, or small in stature seemingly lack empathy. Can they not imagine how they would feel if someone did the same thing to them - possibly because they didn't like their haircut, or the colour of their eyes, or the scars on their face?
(The view of another person as "the other" also gives rise to the fear factor, but this column is not about the need to destroy, maim, harm another person due to the misplaced perception that it is required for self-preservation. The perception is that because the other person is different he or she must pose a threat to me and must be dealt with harshly. Or, perhaps the other person is perceived as weaker either emotionally or physically and how powerfully strong, energizing, and just plain great it does feel to be able to dominate that 'weaker' person. Or, perhaps the attacker suffers from a deep-seated feeling of inferiority, so an attack enables her to feel superior.)
Most of the world's religions subscribe to a principle akin to: do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I think that if we all kept this in mind, many of the world's troubles would simply cease to exist. Rape as an instrument of warfare is one atrocity that quickly springs to mind as something we could certainly do without. Gay bashing in Vancouver's west-end is another. Oh, and allowing your dog to use my lawn as a toilet is yet another. I know, sometimes it truly is hard 'to see past your own nose'.
(1) and (2) "How Do Mirror Neurons Work?", http://news.softpedia.com/ Note: In humans, brain activity consistent with that of mirror neurons has been found in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex, and the inferior parietal cortex. A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. The neuron 'mirrors' the behaviour of the other, as though the observer were itself acting.
About Me
- Deborah K. Hanula
- Deborah K. Hanula has a year of Journalism training from Humber College, a Political Science degree from the University of Waterloo, and a Law degree from the University of British Columbia. In addition, she has Diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Child Psychology, and Psychotherapy and Counselling as well as a Family Life Educator and Coach Certificate and Certificates in Reflexology, Assertiveness Training, and Mindfulness Meditation. She is the author of five cookbooks, primarily concerned with gluten-free and dairy-free diets, although one pertains to chocolate. As an adult, in the past she worked primarily as a lawyer, but also as a university and college lecturer, a tutor, editor, writer, counsellor, researcher and piano teacher. She enjoys a multi-faceted approach when it comes to life, work and study, in order to keep things fresh and interesting. Check out her new book: A Murder of Crows & Other Poems (2023).
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