About Me

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Deborah K. Hanula has a year of Journalism training from Humber College, a Political Science degree from the University of Waterloo, and a Law degree from the University of British Columbia. In addition, she has Diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Child Psychology, and Psychotherapy and Counselling as well as a Family Life Educator and Coach Certificate and Certificates in Reflexology, Assertiveness Training, and Mindfulness Meditation. She is the author of five cookbooks, primarily concerned with gluten-free and dairy-free diets, although one pertains to chocolate. As an adult, in the past she worked primarily as a lawyer, but also as a university and college lecturer, a tutor, editor, writer, counsellor, researcher and piano teacher. She enjoys a multi-faceted approach when it comes to life, work and study, in order to keep things fresh and interesting. Check out her new book: A Murder of Crows & Other Poems (2023).

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Power of Creating 'Flow' in Your Life

There are so many things that I enjoy doing that don't make me any money, but put me in the state of 'flow' which is so essential to good mental health. Things like taking photos, keeping up my various blogs, writing, researching, gardening, and more, thoroughly nourish me. I can wile away hours in something I would term the 'zen zone' and the time spent during these hours is so much more gratifying than say, zoning out in front of the television.

Finding intense engagement and absorption in the things that you do creates tremendous satisfaction in daily life. According to studies carried out by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology at Claremount University in California, flow experiences lead to positive emotions in the short term. In the long term, those who reported more flow experiences were generally happier people. People vary in their ability to enter flow, and this ability can vary from day to day depending on a number of factors. Also, recognizing how flow occurs in your life - or doesn't occur - and working to create more opportunities for experiences of flow can be a precursor to feeling increased happiness.

While you are in flow, hours can pass like minutes; hence, the old saying about how time flies when you are having fun! Something you love - something you can lose yourself in - is key. You aren't preoccupied with yourself, but focused on whatever it is that you are doing.  Some people can experience flow just folding laundry or washing dishes, provided they focus on the task at hand. Flow and mindfulness go hand in hand. You aren't wondering how others are perceiving you, but rather your awareness of yourself is only in relation to what it is that you are doing. Extraneous thoughts don't invade your mind. The activity itself, rather than what you wish to ultimately accomplish by the activity (the goal), is in itself rewarding.  Flow activities are not passive, (like zoning out in front of the tv), and you have at least some control over what you are doing. Although flow activities require effort, when you achieve flow, everything seems to click so that it feels effortless. Flow is intrinsically rewarding, so you have the motive to recreate it when you have the opportunity to do so.

For flow experiences to occur, there must be a balance between the challenge of the activity and the level of skill you need in order to perform it. The activity must fully engage your mind in order to avoid creating feelings of boredom, so must be challenging enough to do so. Conversely, a project or task too challenging for your skill set will create anxiety.


Source:  "Positive Psychology:  Harnessing the power of happiness, mindfulness, and inner strength", Julie Corliss (writer), Ronald D. Siegel, Psy. D. (medical editor), Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, 2013.

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